A sanitary pad (inside out)


The sanitary pad is no doubt the most widely used type of menstrual management in the world today. It is very easy to use, easy to access, and very straightforward.


 Today, the pads we use are a combination of mostly synthetic, and bleached material, but have you ever wondered what they were like about fifty years ago? And when exactly they were invented? Let us look at the history of menstrual pads.


 Before the invention of what we know as the disposable sanitary pad, most women made use of rags, cotton wool, or sheep’s wool in their undergarment to soak up the flow of menstrual blood. Rabbit fur, Knitted pads, and even grass were used by women at some point to handle their menstrual flow.


 Most people in the 21st century only know about disposable sanitary pads. However, there is the reusable option which is more affordable but not considered as hygienic as the disposable one.


 Although sanitary pads remain the most widely used type of menstrual management, they are still overpriced in different parts of the world.


 Women from developing countries are beginning to think up says to make sanitary pads more affordable and accessible to young girls


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