Misconceptions aboutSanitary Napkins


With the passage of time people seeks forward towards innovation in various fields. One of those innovations consist ofSanitary Pads. As we all know that sanitary pads are used by women’s during there process of menstrual cycle in which menstruation occurs for 5-8 days, that means that a women requires a sanitary napkin or a pad most during these days.

So why do women’s need a pad?


When a women is in the phase of menstruation, there occurs bleeding which is to be cleaned in a hygienic manner. Sanitary napkins thus helps women to absorb all the flow of their bleeding. Before the invention of Pads women’s used papyrus or other ways to cleanit and it was very unhygienic. In 1957, Mary Beatrice Davidson Kenner at the age of 18 created the first sanitary napkin belt for periods and filed a patent for it, it was the very first revolution for women’s.

Misconceptions about the Pads


So it’s a known fact that whenever something new is created or innovated, there are always some misconceptions in the mind of peoples about what that new thing is and thus they don’t want to accept a change in their lives. So when the sanitary napkins came out people didn’t welcomed it with open arms but instead some misconceptions became a reason for them to not use a sanitary napkin. Here is all about you need to know about those misconceptions,

  •         pads are not hygienic
  •         pads are not good absorbents and causes leakage
  •         Wearing a pad during physical challenges is not possible
  •         Wearing a pad can cause infections

So these were the common misconceptions about Sanitary napkins which are still seen at many places and even today women’s use a regular cloth during their periods instead of hygienic sanitary napkins because of these misconceptions.




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